Seniors gathered early to watch the sunrise on our beautiful campus. Dynamite Roasting Company welcomed them with warm coffee. Thanks to the senior class representatives and sponsors who organized the space and made refreshments available.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Senior Sunrise Pic
sunrise pic 2
OHS Book Club volunteers with Friends and Neighbors of Swannanoa (FANS) to host Movie Night on Grovemont Square. This initiative brings attention to the Friends of the Swannanoa Branch Library and services provided to the community by the library and non-profit organizations like the Swannanoa Community Council that maintains the park and library building. The students hosted activities including face painting, bubbles & sidewalk art, as well as serving concessions. The collaborative efforts between our school and community is what makes Owen special. There is a slogan at Owen, "Do it for the Valley!" Our warhorses make us proud. To encourage service to our community, FANS awards a $500. Community Service Award to a graduating senior that makes a significant service contribution to the Swannanoa Community. If you are interested in donating, information is in the FANS newsletter. If you would like to recommend a senior for the award, contact the Owen Counseling department by May 26th.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
The PTO will hold an end of year meeting on Tuesday, May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. off site at 313 Laurel Circle Drive in Black Mountain. All are invited to attend this informal meeting. We will vote in new officers for next year, and thank those moving off the board. We will evaluate the projects of the PTO this school year, and enjoy fellowship. THANK YOU to all who helped the PTO celebrate our staff last week during Staff Appreciation Week. Staff enjoyed a lasagna and salad lunch on Monday, a breakfast and Dynamite Coffee cart on Wednesday, as well as treats for staff in boxes, flowers around the school, and many staff names were drawn for lots of fun prizes from parents and local businesses. An extra special thank you goes out to these businesses who helped us celebrate: Black Mountain Bistro, Dynamite Coffee, McDonald's, Kilwin's, Hey Hey Cupcake, Black Mountain Yoga, the YMCA, The Escape Room, Chick-fil-A and Wendy's.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
PTO Meeting
OHS PTO Business Partner Image
FCCLA would like to invite you to sign up to run/walk our FCCLA 5K! This will help raise money for our students who will be competing in the FCCLA National Competition this year in Denver, Co.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
FCCLA 5K Flyer
This is the last week for the Owen FFA Plant sale ! Don't wait too long, everyone's green thumb was itching to garden this year !
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Plant sale flyer
Need a night out without the kids? The class of 2025 is offering childcare Friday May 19, 6pm-9pm. $20 per child. Pizza, Snacks, Drinks, Activities, Movies, Crafts, and Games will be available. Use the link on the flyer to register. All children must be registered !
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Parent Night Out Flyer
OHS PTO invites parents and guardians to volunteer with the upcoming Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Please sign up to bring any type of salad or a handheld dessert, (no spoons or forks needed), and or a simple flower arrangement* for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon. We would also love some $10 Gift Certificates to be raffled off each day for the staff. Please drop off in the front office on the morning of May 1st. Thank you for supporting our staff at Owen High! We also need three people to help with clean up. * a simple flower arrangement can be a couple of flowers from your yard in a mason jar. Follow this link to the Sign up form via SignupGenius
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Picnic Image
One More Week to bring your donations to the Goodwill trailer that will benefit OHS PTO. The last day the truck will be on campus is April 25th ! So clean those garages out and bring your donations. You can drop off the donations on your way to drop off or pick up students, during the day, or on the way to a ballgame !
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Goodwill Trailer on Campus
JROTC cadets train our principal, Dr. Sircey in archery. Looks like they hit their mark !
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Dr. Sircey with Archery Target
Cap and Gown Pictures May 3rd ! Seniors will be receiving order forms in their homebase groups. Extra forms will be available in the front office.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Picture Day Form
Look who is ServSafe certified !
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
OHS PTO will meet Tuesday, March 28 in the Media Center at 5:30 pm. The new OHS PTO site is ready to launch. Find out more ways to connect with us at
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
PTO logo
Video production and sharing digital media provides Owen students ways to explore real world work experiences and ways to influence others. While Mr. Nihart's theatre and film students practice capturing the right scene with professional tools, Mrs. Dunbar's civics students share their PSA commercials persuading classmates to join their cause. We are really proud of the opportunities we build for students to feel empowered. #elevate!
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
civics pic1
civics pic2
theatre pic
Minute 2 Win-it finalist compete for championship title. Owen High's Smart Lunch schedule gives time to build school spirit and camaraderie. Shout out to the Freshman Class Leadership Team for scheduling the event! #elevate!
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
Minute 2 Winit Oreo game
Students in the Fire Technology II course offered by ABTech at Owen High School learn to make service knots for hoisting heavy equipment above one's head, safer than carrying it up a ladder. Students in the class have an opportunity to complete most of the necessary coursework to become a firefighter. Two of last years graduates have already joined fire departments and are actively employed in firefighting. #elevate!
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
tying a knot in a fire hose
Chinese trip to Red Ginger was a success! Students learned about Chinese culture and great Chinese food! No one left hungry!
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
students at Red Ginger
Students at Ref Ginget
Red Ginger plates
English teacher, Ms. Brown and Blended Learning Coach, Amanda Venturella constructed a VR learning experience for students exploring the African savannah to better analyze The Veldt by Ray Bradbury. It provided an excellent tool for seeing how authors of science fiction use technology to comment on human behavior and a fun way to consider how a book written in 1950 is still relevant today.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
VR Veldt lesson
OHS PTO will meet Tuesday, March 28 in the Media Center at 5:30 pm. The new OHS PTO site is ready to launch. Find out more ways to connect with us at
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
OHS PTO logo
Students can register for the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) thru March 14. Access the registration form by pasting this link in another tab You can also scan the QR Code on the flyer with the image accompanying this message.
over 1 year ago, Samantha Gallman
ASVAB Sign Up Flyer