1.Hurricane Relief Sponsorships fundraiser: Donate to help families in the ACRHS community.
2.Homeowner’s Application for Assistance Click to apply for our Rockets Rebuilding program no matter what stage or level of severity of damages to your home. This program is open to all schools in the Reynolds District.
3.Circles of Support Application/ Intake: All AC Reynolds High School families affected at any level from the storm should apply for our Circles of Support Program. Providing 9 areas of support & more including: Financial Sponsorship, Housing Assistance, Employment Research, Car Repair / Replacement, Supplies, Meals & Groceries, Rides / Deliveries, Furniture & Home Goods, Advocates, Mental Health
4. PTSA Hurricane Resource Link: click for our Master Resource Page covering everything from free breakfast / dinner, to supply hubs, free groceries, household supplies, babysitting, rent / utility assistance, car repairs / replacement, and even free home replacement / repairs.
5. Circle of Support Volunteer sign up: Click our Volunteer Signup Form to learn the various ways you can help a family in need from 15 minutes a week up to adopting a family. Our Circles of Support program is 100% volunteer powered.
6. Meal Train Support: click to sign up to provide a meal to one of our families in need. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GA7VOl0eVH0jW8XFnC0B3Gwak197fDt-9RC0CrRmIw0/edit
7. Follow us on social media for regular asks, offers, updates and to support our efforts for zero cost by liking, commenting and sharing our content.
Facebook: ACReynoldsHighPTSA
Instagram: acreynoldsptsa
TikTok: ac.reynolds.ptsa